The exceptions are rules which have been modified with consideration for the wheelchair. For example, "traveling" in wheelchair basketball occurs when the athlete touches his wheels more than twice after receiving or dribbling the ball..Basketball. Wheelchair Basketball 101. In the beginning you had to have a spinal cord injury in order to play wheelchair basketball. But that, much like the game .RULES Standard basketball rules with a few modifications. The wheelchair is considered part of the player for contact, inbounds and out of bounds purposes, and position in the front or back court. To dribble, a player may place the ball on their lap and take two pushes on their wheel s ..There is no double dribble rule in wheelchair basketball. A traveling violation occurs if the player takes more than two pushes while in possession of the ball and not dribbling. The distance a player coasts between pushes in not restricted..Wheelchair basketball is played in accordance with NCAA rules with very few exceptions. These exceptions are PLAYER Any individual who, because of .After learning the modifications, families and friends can come together to Orthopedic impairment Those with less control over their wheelchair should use..The official FIBA rules are followed with a few modifications due to the usage of a wheelchair. After gaining control of the ball, the athlete is not .Students gain respect for the sporting abilities of Wheelchair Basketball athletes and achieve understanding of what team sport in a wheelchair involves..
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