Four wheel drive, also called 44 "four by four" or 4WD, refers to a two axled vehicle drivetrain capable of providing torque to all of its wheels simultaneously..Four wheel drive 4WD and all wheel drive AWD are similar, but not identical. One is found on trucks and SUVs and is designed for .There are almost as many different types of four wheel drive systems as there are four wheel drive vehicles. It seems that every manufacturer has several .Car shoppers looking at any vehicle with all wheel drive AWD or four wheel drive 4WD as an option face a difficult decision. Is AWD that much safer and .If you 're looking for a new car, you 've probably run across a simple fact Some cars are 2 wheel drive, while others are 4 or all wheel drive. So what 's the .What is the difference between an All Wheel Drive AWD car and a Four Wheel Drive 4WD car? Find out what each means and the benefits provided..Four wheel drive vehicles are also good to have when weather conditions make A four wheel drive vehicle often called a 4WD or 4X4 "four by four" is a .
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