That seems to be the common wisdom when it comes to increasing horsepower by modifying the control module. For the uninitiated, an ECU basically controls how the engine goes about its business of producing and delivering power, including air fuel ratio, ignition timing, idle speed, valve timing, and RPMs..First off, don 't confuse replacing an ECM with repairing one. complicated and expensive if the ECM has to be modified to accommodate security systems, .How can you modify the car 's computer ECM ? With improper use, you will most likely ruin the engine if you do not have enough knowledge .The Engine ECU can be reprogrammed so it will run properly without the need to connect any other ecu module. The ECU in question is a .ECM Titanium is the tuning software that allows you to interpret and modify the you can edit the related parameters modifying the performance of the engine..We offer custom ECU mapping for most GM vehicles Internal engine modifications cams heads strokers etc and non factory forced induction are $25..
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